Sundays 10:00 am to 10:40am Fellowship
Come and get to know our family, Coffee, tea, donuts, cookies
10:45am to 12:00 Learning Gods Word
See Us on Facebook:
913 La Joya (from Riverside, turn right on La Joya at Burger King, go about 1/2 mile, church is on left).

When you come to our church, we’ll be friendly and happy to see you.
We don’t really care how you’re dressed or what you look like, whether you have money or are broke. We’re just a family, from all walks of life.
In all our services and Bible studies, the preaching and teaching of the Bible will be the most important aspect of the service. Our preacher will teach the Bible verse-by-verse in most cases. In our Sunday morning worship service in the Santa Clara Room, we’ll have coffee and goodies available in the Fellowship Hall, we’ll sing a few songs, make a few announcements, make you feel welcome with our new friends, and the preacher will open the Bible and teach the word of God.
We have an opportunity at the end of the service for those who want to express a spiritual commitment to the congregation to do so, but there is never any pressure.
After the service, you are welcome to have more coffee/cookies/donuts if any left and spend time getting to know our church family.
Our offerings are received in a box near the entrance. We don’t expect a certain amount or percentage of giving, but believe that every person should give according to his or her own desire (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Our music will vary from an old hymn to a newer praise song, but music won’t drive our services. Music is led by volunteers who love the Lord, but they are not music professionals. We sing from the heart, not for show.
Espanola First Baptist desires to be a loving, nimble, “ready-to-go” church. We don’t want to complicate “church.” We want to be a family, ready to serve the Lord wherever there is opportunity.
We would love for you to come anytime! Attendance and participation in all our ministries is open to anyone. Membership and leadership is open to those who profess faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior, who are baptized (or willing to be baptized), and who agree with our doctrinal convictions.
Want to know how to
become a Christian?
It’s easy as ABC!
Admit that you are a sinner and made mistakes with your life.
Believe that Jesus (God the Son) lived a perfect life for you, gave that life on a cross in your place, and rose on the 3rd day.
Confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior, placing your trust in Him completely for salvation in this life and eternal life in heaven.
Got questions? CONTACT us. We here at FBC-Espanola are looking forward to getting to know you better!